Saturday, February 13, 2010

Judge Dredd (1995)

In this futuristic legal thriller, Sylvester Stalone plays a hard-boiled old school lawyer, named “the Law” who is having trouble dealing with the fact that he is getting too old for the courtroom. But, with the help of his trainer, Mick Rambo (Mr. T.), the Law finds the courage to fly back over to Vietnam to enter an “over the top” arm wrestling tournament in order to save forsaken POWs who are hanging on the edge of an insurmountable cliff (John Lithgow).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Titanic (1997)

A work of directorial genius, James Cameron combines state-of-the-art graphics, music by Grammy Award-winning singer Celine Dion, and a love story that pulls at the heart of every viewer. Most impressively, Cameron attains a PG-13 rating on a movie with nearly full frontal nudity by sandwiching the skin at the exact midpoint of a 15 ½ hour film, ensuring (1) that the MPAA would not notice, and (2) that 12 year old boner-wielding tweens would watch it repeatedly frame-by-frame in an attempt to see luscious ginger-tinted fire crotch.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Back to the Future (1985)

Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) accidentally travels back to 1955 and gets stranded when his time machine runs out of jiggley-watts. In order to get back to 1985, Marty has to pretend to finger bang his mom (Lea Thompson) in the parking lot of her high school so that she’ll fall in love with his dad like she’s es-sposed-to. But things go wrong when Biff (that guy who plays Biff) tries to finger bang Marty’s mom for real. Great Scott!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Saving Private Ryan (1998)

Recently dumped by his girlfriend and fed up with the suffocating safety and comfort of home, John Miller (Tom Hanks) and his group of buddies (Tom Sizemore, Vin Diesel, Adam Golberg, and Giovanni Ribisi) storm the beaches of France in this European holiday that they'll no doubt remember for the rest of their lives! This raucous adventure through the French countryside is prompted when John Miller meets "Mieke" (which, in German apparently means "Private Ryan") on the internet and falls in love. Now he's gonna go get him and bring him home... or at least die trying!

You wouldn't believe the bloody mess these testosterone-filled miscreants get into during their tour to get Private Ryan! Along the way, they run into soccer hooligans, Italian rapists, and friendly German truck drivers. This gang's antics are for adults only though. Perhaps Tom Hanks puts it best in the most memorable and comedic scene of the movie: "THIS is why we can't take children!!!"

Avatar (2009)

14-foot space cats adorn this 3D adventure about a perfect society where the trees are internets! Rated PG-13 for extra-species sex.

Inglorious Basterds (2009)

Tyler Durden and the temp from "The Office" star in Quentin Tarentino's take on WWII. In this rock-em-sock-em shit storm, our boy Quent flips the script so fuckin' hard you'll shit your skirt. His jews rip through the Nazis so fast the German army looks like a bunch of pussies being led by that little fuckin' spazz kid in your fifth grade science class. These jews fuck-rape so many Nazi assholes you'll forget the Holocaust even happened. This is by far the best movie about olden times since "300".